press release / mai 14, 2020
COVID -19 will put 85 million children at risk of physical, sexual and emotional violence over next 3 months World Vision warns
Based on emerging indicators, World Vision warns that the estimated 1 billion children already exposed to violence, could grow by up to 85 million as systems and services restrict to prevent the spread of coronavirus
article / mai 17, 2016
Cash First, but not always
Cash transfers are one of the most significant innovations in humanitarian assistance in recent memory. They offer greater dignity, choice and flexibility for disaster-affected peoples and an opportunity for us to become better humanitarians.
article / août 23, 2021
Celebrating Families in India: A workshop becomes a way of life
Rajeshree and Nitin live in small rented house in Mumbai, India, along with their two children Pranay and Anushka.
As a volunteer, Rajeshree has previously taken part in several workshops and training through World Vision India.
press release / avril 23, 2020
Faith leaders use technology to combat COVID-19 in developing countries
Estimated 80,000 faith leaders mobilised to combat COVID-19 through WhatsApp
WhatsApp groups active across Latin America, Asia, Africa
publication / octobre 4, 2018
Improvement of Health Service Delivery through Integrated Health Systems Support Approach - ENRICH Project
Enhancing Nutrition Services to Improve Maternal and Child Health in Africa and Asia (ENRICH) is funded byGlobal Affairs Canada to improve the health and nutrition status of mothers, newborns and children in selectregions of Bangladesh, Kenya, Myanmar, Pakistan and Ta
article / juin 1, 2017
ICT4D Report: World Vision Rwanda a Pacesetter in Innovation
World Vision Rwanda was well represented at the recently-concluded Information and Communications Technology for Development (ICT4D) Conference, which took place from 15-18 May in Hyderabad, India.