article / Հոկտեմբեր 4, 2017
Moving from humanitarian to sustainable WASH in the Middle East - what next?
Written by Omar El Hattab, Regional WASH advisor for UNICEF MENA (Middle East and Northern AFrica), Marielle Snel, Regional WASH advisor for World Vision MEERO (Middle East and Eastern Europe) and Anne Lloyd (Consultant)
publication / Հունիս 19, 2015
We can do it
Despite the magnitude and entrenchment of violence against children, evidence increasingly shows that it is a problem that can be solved.
publication / Հուլիս 14, 2017
Es hora de poner fin a la violencia contra la niñez
Nuestro sueño es simple: que cada niño se desarrolle y prospere sin sufrir violencia. La oportunidad de jugar, ir a la escuela, estar sano, hacer amigos, ser amado y, sobre todo, estar a salvo del maltrato. Creemos que es posible. Creemos que es posible vivir en un mundo sin violencia infantil.
press release / Նոյեմբեր 20, 2014
Where are the rights you promised us?
MONDAY 17 NOVEMBER, 2014 – A quarter century since the Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted, a glaring gap remains between the Convention’s promises and the reality for millions of children, says international development agency World Vision.
publication / Ապրիլ 16, 2015
Keeping Children Safe Online (KCSO)
Keeping Children Safe Online (KCSO) is an innovative and adaptive practice that has demonstrated the ability to protect children from predators and other potentially harmful content that children can encounter while online.
publication / Մայիս 13, 2022
Empowered Women, Empowered Children
publication / Հունիս 16, 2015
Child Protection Index, Moldova
The Child Protection Index is a comparative policy tool, organised and implemented by local and national level civil society organisations.
publication / Հուլիս 15, 2014
Keeping Children and Youth Safe Online - English
We now live in a digitally connected world. Recognising this, World Vision's Creative Youth programme encourages disadvantaged youth to explore and value creativity and connectivity in a self-learning environment.
publication / Հուլիս 15, 2014
Keeping Children and Youth Safe Online - Khmer
We now live in a digitally connected world. Recognising this, World Vision's Creative Youth programme encourages disadvantaged youth to explore and value creativity and connectivity in a self-learning environment.