article / Փետրվար 11, 2015
What It's Like to Be Me, a story about disability inclusion in Albania
Emanuel is 7. He lives in Elbasan, in central Albania with his mother, Liljana, 40; his father and three older sisters. While it is true that every human being is unique Emanuel has something extra special. By nature, he emits light, peace and serenity.
article / Դեկտեմբեր 10, 2009
Georgia’s anti-trafficking programme three years on stays focused on youth
The need to improve the country’s identification and referral process for victims of trafficking saw World Vision establish a Social Assistance to Trafficked Persons (SATP) project through a Human Rights programme three years ago.
publication / Մայիս 2, 2024
Building bridges: World Vision's Infrastructure Impact report, 2012 to 2023
A Booklet on World Vision Malawi infrastructure investments in WASH, Health, Education and Livelihood done in years 2012 to 2023.
article / Նոյեմբեր 16, 2009
Street children perform fairytale and take steps towards better life
The streets of Georgia’s second largest city, Kutaisi, are home to more than 100 children. Here, World Vision’s LIFE project helps children improve their psycho-social wellbeing and begin to slowly become part of the community.
article / Նոյեմբեր 30, 2012
I Was Born To This Greenhouse: evaluating the damage done, fighting for survival
Written by Sameeha Elwan, freelance writer with World Vision Jerusalem-West Bank-Gaza
article / Դեկտեմբեր 21, 2014
Keeping Afghan health workers current through ongoing training
To ensure pregnant women, mothers and children receive quality health care, in health facilities, World Vision Afghanistan, with support from the Japan Platform in Afghanistan, funded refresher courses and additional trainings
publication / Հոկտեմբեր 22, 2022
Ukraine Crisis Response September 2022 Situation Report: 360,718 people reached in four countries
World Vision's Ukraine crisis response serves refugees in Georgia, Moldova, Romania and the internally displaced in Ukraine.
publication / Մայիս 30, 2022
Ukraine Crisis Response SitRep#8- May 18 2022
There are now more than 14 million Ukrainian people who are displaced from their homes by ongoing conflict in the region. This is marked by over 3000 civilian casualties reported in the three months since the start of the crisis, including men, women, and children.
article / Հունիս 6, 2017
Ms Coumba Gawlo, World Vision Senegal Goodwill Ambassador
World Vision and musician Coumba Gawlo launched a series of activities together in 2016 under the banner of promoting protection and participation for children in vu