Providing the Means to Start Over
Responding to Ogossagou, a village devastated by the crisis in Central Mali.

“I lost four people in the attack - my father, my little brother and my pregnant wife.” Boureima Boucar Barry stoically recounted the horrors that befell his family and community in the early hours of 24 March 2019, when an armed militia group attacked their village, Ogossagou. The 26-year-old man stood in front of his burnt house he is repairing, surrounded by other charred houses, motorcycles and sheep.

“I lost four people in the attack - my father, my little brother and my pregnant wife.”

Following the horrific attacks, many organizations responded, with some providing water, sanitation and hygiene kits and others food assistance (WFP through YA-G-TU). World Vision Mali responded complimentarily, providing non-food item kits (cooking pans, utensils, stoves, cutlery and other household essentials).

“Even though some organizations responded before you did, giving us food items and other things, without the tools to cook, we could not use them. These will go a long way to get us back on our feet as so many of us lost everything in the attacks. We want to thank World Vision and all the other partners who have been supporting us through this horrible time.”

"These will go a long way to get us back on our feet as so many of us lost everything in the attacks."

World Vision remains dedicated to those caught up in the conflict in Northern and Central Mali, especially the most vulnerable children.
Our interventions have reached over 200,000 people, more than half of whom are children.
The organization has provided life-saving intervention in the areas of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), nutrition and health, child protection and peace-building, food and cash assistance, and education since the outbreak of violence in Northern and Central Mali in 2012.