article / February 12, 2025
Fostering Resilience: Communities Building a Safer Tomorrow
This story tells of how local disaster risk management committees are making a tangible difference in the lives of people in central Mozambique, particularly in the Zambezia province, which is prone to flooding. It focuses on the positive impact of these committees, using the example of Laurito, a father of three, who was relocated to a safer area away from floodwaters thanks to the efforts of his local committee.
publication / March 3, 2025
Guidance Note: Ensuring Children are Not Left Behind
This Guidance Note provides specific recommendations to Member States on how to include children’s rights, including children’s participation, in VNRs at the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF). It follows the general structure of the Secretary-General’s updated voluntary common reporting guidelines for VNRs2 (the Guidelines), which were most recently updated in November 2019. It also provides examples of good practices from other VNRs from 2017-2019. In line with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, this paper defines “children” as people below the age of 18.
publication / February 28, 2025
Making vulnerability analysis useful for humanitarian response
The importance of vulnerability analysis goes far beyond targeting. It is a prerequisite for good needs assessment, for the design of interventions, for ensuring an inclusive response and for accountability.
article / August 15, 2024
Resilience, Recover, and Rebuild: Min's humanitarian journey
Min, a Disaster Management Manager at World Vision International Myanmar, has been in the humanitarian sector for nearly 16 years. As we celebrate World Humanitarian Day, Min shares his journey with World Vision International Myanmar.
publication / January 30, 2025
National Dialogue on Disaster Preparedness and Response Capacities in Urban Lesotho
World Vision Lesotho’s National Director calls for stronger disaster preparedness, resilience-building, and collaboration to protect communities from urban disasters.
article / February 23, 2025
World Vision renovates an educational center to empower children with disabilities in Moldova
World Vision rehabilitated an educational center in Chisinau, Moldova, designed to provide a space for children with disabilities to continue their activities after school hours. The center underwent vital cosmetic renovations and was fully equipped with essential furnishings, including couches, desks, shelves, carpets, and educational materials. This effort was made possible through the generous support of World Vision Finland.
article / February 26, 2025
Placing children at the centre of humanitarian response through partnership with WFP
Placing children at the centre of humanitarian response through partnership with WFP
article / March 4, 2025
A Mission for Environmental Restoration and Livelihood Resilience
Discover how practicing Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) has transformed Mercy’s life, enabling her to earn a sustainable income from cattle sales while securing her children's education and household needs.