publication / December 9, 2024
Acción climática: Posición política de Visión Mundial
World Vision es una organización cristiana humanitaria de desarrollo y de abogacía, dedicada a trabajar con la niñez, juventud, sus familias y comunidades para reducir la pobreza y la injusticia. Estamos comprometidos con los pobres
publication / December 18, 2024
East Asia Annual Regional Snapshot 2023
World Vision has been a steadfast presence in East Asia since 1950, operating in Cambodia, China, Lao PDR, Mongolia, Myanmar, North Korea, Thailand, and Viet Nam. Our multisector programmes are tailored to the needs and priorities of local communities. With the support of over 2,200 staff, more than 99% of whom are local, we deliver impactful and sustainable solutions.
publication / December 9, 2024
Action Pour Le Climat: Position de Principe de World Vision
World Vision est une organisation chrétienne humanitaire, de développement et de plaidoyer dédiée aux enfants, les familles et les communautés du monde à s’épanouir en luttant contre les origines de la pauvreté et de l’injustice.
publication / October 1, 2024
Layering Social Accountability Interventions to Strengthen Local Education Systems Report
Ex-post evaluation of USAID- and World Bank-funded social accountability programming in the Dominican Republic.
publication / October 22, 2024
Bringing in Intertemporality
Methodologies fit for evaluating layering interventions in specific levels of governments and across levels of government over time
article / October 9, 2024
Striking a balance between the individual and the community through an extended understanding of marginalisation
Joseph is a volunteer teacher in a rural community school in Zambia. The school has recently been upgraded to a Government school as part of efforts to raise the status and improve the conditions of such schools which serve some of the poorest and most marginalised populations in the country. Joseph set up the school several years before. He worked in the location and would often find many children playing outside during school hours as the nearest Government school was too far away for them to reach. Overtime, he established the school, working himself as a volunteer teacher and head teacher, supported by two other volunteer teachers – Jacob and Martha. Neither Joseph nor his supporting teachers have formal teacher qualifications. They are therefore classified as unqualified teachers.
publication / October 14, 2024
Advocates of Change: Asia Pacific Children and Youth’s Voices & Perspectives on Climate Action and Disaster Risk Reduction
This report, “Advocates for Change: Asia Pacific Children and Youth’s Voices & Perspectives on Climate Action and Disaster Risk Reduction”, is the result of the collaboration between partners from different development organizations. This project commenced in May 2024 and culminated in the launch of the report in October 2024 by the Asia Pacific Coalition for School Safety (APCSS).