article / February 24, 2025
Mozambique- Water And Hygiene Clubs Leading New Narratives in Schools and Communities in Gaza Province
Students in Guijá and Mabalane, Gaza Province, part of WASH Clubs, tackle hygiene and sanitation challenges in their schools and communities.
article / February 17, 2025
Mozambique: After Strong Impact from Droughts, Green Fields Renew Hope in Tete Province
World Vision Mozambique responds to the impact of the El Nino phenomenon which has dragged thousands to hunger, and the first signs of productive times begin to shape.
article / March 26, 2025
RD Congo : Les enfants plaident pour l’extension du programme d’alimentation scolaire au Kasaï Central
Cet article illustre quelques activtés de plaidoyer menées par les enfants dans le Kasai central dans le cadre de la semaine mondiale dédiée à l'alimentaion scolaire. Bien qu'affectée par la malnutrition, cette province bénéficie d'un large programme des cantines scolaires de World Vision qui aide à réduire le nombre des cas de malnutrition et assurer la sécurité alimentaire dans les élèves dans les écolés bénéficiaires.
article / March 26, 2025
DR Congo: Children Advocate for the Expansion of the School Feeding Program in Kasaï Central
This article highlights some of the advocacy activities carried out by children in Kasaï Central during the Global School Feeding Week. Despite being affected by malnutrition, the province benefits from a large-scale school feeding program by World Vision that helps reduce malnutrition cases and ensures food security for students in the beneficiary schools.
press release / March 24, 2025
Cambodia says ‘ENOUGH’ to child malnutrition
The Council for Agriculture and Rural Development (CARD) and World Vision led a vibrant campaign to raise awareness of child malnutrition issues and promote healthy food choices across Cambodia.
article / March 19, 2025
Mozambique - First Meal is Served to Pupils in Primary Schools
School Feeding project in Mozambique implemented in one of the provinces severely affected by malnutrition serves its first meal, starting a journey that will benefit more than 85 000 pupils in 157 primary schools.
publication / December 9, 2024
Child-Led Research: The Impacts of Climate Change and Disasters on Children and Youth in Three Provinces
Cambodia Child-Led Research: The Impacts of Climate Change and Disasters on Children and Youth in Three Provinces in Cambodia