publication / April 25, 2024
Child Protection Guide for Teachers
Child Protection Guide for Teachers
article / December 17, 2024
Building healthier communities: World Vision Georgia’s impact on Public Health and awareness
The pandemic hit vulnerable families the hardest, including children, women, and people with disabilities. Many struggled with worsening economic and social conditions, leading to poor mental and physical health. Routine vaccinations dropped, and access to healthcare services became more difficult. To address these issues and support the recovery of public health, the organisation has launched its first major healthcare initiative, focusing on strengthening Georgia's health and child protection systems. Family doctors and social workers, were trained on key health topics such as immunisation, Hepatitis, HIV prevention, HPV, TB, and STDs.
article / September 19, 2017
«Սկեսուրների դերակատարումը» և «Ինչպե՞ս տղա ունենալ»
«Սկեսուրների դերակատարումը» և «Ինչպե՞ս տղա ունենալ» միջոցառման ժամանակ ներկայացվեցին «Հոգտարություն հանուն հավասարության» ծրագրի շրջանակներում 2017թ.ին իրականացված «Սկեսուրների դերակատարումը և սեռով պայմանավորված հղիության արհեստական ընդհատումները Հայաստանում» և «Ինչպե՞ս տղա ունենալ.
publication / September 8, 2023
Study on the provision and integration of socio-psychological services for war-affected women
Study on war-affected women
publication / February 2, 2025
Stories of Change - Ultra Poor Graduation (UPG) Project
Key findings indicate that 68% of the households have graduated from extreme poverty to sustainable livelihoods. Through improved food security, financial stability, and stronger disaster resilience, families are building brighter futures. Discover how the Ultra Poor Graduation (UPG) project, is a 39-month initiative funded by USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA) transformative project is changing lives in Baidoa, Somalia.