article / March 3, 2025
How Citizen Voice and Action Transformed Masamba Day Secondary School in Mbala district
For years, pupils at Masamba Day Secondary School in Mbala District faced significant challenges in their pursuit of education. Overcrowded classrooms, a lack of proper sanitation facilities, and an inadequate water supply made learning difficult. However, through the persistent efforts of the Citizen Voice and Action (CVA) Committee, the school now boasts a newly constructed 1x3 classroom block, an ablution block, and a mechanized water system—funded through the Ministry of Education and the Constituency Development Fund (CDF).
article / February 26, 2025
How Citizen Voice and Action Brought Healthcare Workers a Home
Mukuyu Rural Health Centre, serving 5,914 people, faced staff housing issues, forcing nurses to sleep in the maternity wing or commute, impacting patient care.
video / March 12, 2025
Advocacy video from Aleppo - World Vision Syria Response
Advocacy video from Aleppo - World Vision Syria Response
article / February 26, 2025
Empowered Local Advocacy Transforms Munjile Market: A Community’s Journey to Better Service Delivery
Traders in Munjile, Magoye, faced hardships selling roadside without a market. Even after a market was built, it lacked water and sanitation, impacting hygiene.
video / February 13, 2025
Citizen Voice and Action model transforming the education sector in Northern Zambia.
The Citizen Voice and Action (CVA) approach has significantly transformed the education sector by empowering communities to advocate for better educational services and infrastructure. Through CVA, parents, teachers, and local leaders actively engage with policymakers to address challenges such as inadequate school facilities, teacher shortages, and lack of learning materials. As a result, many schools have seen improved resource allocation, enhanced accountability, and increased enrollment rates, ultimately creating a more conducive learning environment for children
publication / March 11, 2025
THAILAND CHILD-LED RESEARCH: Impact, Understanding and Development of Children and Youth Participation in Climate Change and Disaster Action
We are a group of young researchers in Thailand who conducted a study to better understand how climate change and disasters affect children in our communities. Through this research, we hope to contribute to the raising of awareness on the impacts of climate change and disasters in our communities. In recent years, our country has experienced severe heat waves due to climate change. This interrupts our daily activities, including our schooling and our families’ livelihood, and has also caused us children and adults alike to experience many health problems.
article / March 3, 2025
Community Action Transforms Learning Conditions at Maiko Mpange Primary School
At Maiko Mpange Primary School, seeing children sitting on the floor during lessons was once a daily reality. With limited classroom space and a shortage of desks, students struggled to concentrate, affecting their performance and enthusiasm for learning.
publication / March 10, 2025
East Asia Capacity Statement | Gender Equality, Disability & Social Inclusion
In East Asia, millions of women, girls, and people with disabilities face persistent inequalities that limit their access to essential services and lifelong opportunities. An estimated 43 million children in the region live with disabilities, many of whom are denied education and healthcare. Poverty forces nearly 1 in 10 children into child labour across the Asia-Pacific region. Additionally, 1 in 5 girls are married before their 18th birthday, hindering their education and increasing their vulnerability to poverty.
video / March 3, 2025
Rapport annuel video 2024 de World Vision Mali
Regardez notre vidéo sur l'impact de 2024 et voyez la différence que World Vision Mali a fait grâce à votre soutien dans les secteur comme la protection de l’enfance, l’aide alimentaire et nutritionnelle, l’eau/hygiène et assainissement (WASH) et l’éducation.