article / February 13, 2025
Short distance, long journey: the struggle for healthcare in rural Daikundi
21 million people across Afghanistan will require WASH support in 2025, underscoring the severe water scarcity and sanitation issues facing rural communities.
Recognising these dire challenges, the Driving Action for Wellbeing to Avert Mortality (DAWAM) consortium is working to improve access to water in Daikundi, ensuring families like Gulsom’s no longer have to suffer from lack of access to water.
article / January 22, 2025
World Vision Niger : From traditional teaching to distance learning using technology
Education, ICT and Artificial Intelligence: In Niger, innovative technologies are enabling many children to continue their studies despite conflict and disasters, a reflection by Maman Rabi Garba Alfa Bano, Education Manager at World Vision Niger.
Data collection and information tools/applications have reached schools and students in both stable and insecure areas, improving their access to inclusive and protective educational opportunities, both immediately and over the long term.
publication / February 10, 2025
Good Practice Guide Nutrition Advocacy in Cambodia
World Vision has been successful in advocating for government provision of nutrition services in Cambodia.
article / January 22, 2025
World Vision Niger : De l’Enseignement classique à une éducation à distance grâce à la technologie
Éducation, TICs et Intelligence artificielle : au Niger, les technologies innovantes permettent à de nombreux enfants de continuer à étudier malgré les conflits et les catastrophes, une reflexion de Maman Rabi Garba Alfa Bano, Manager Education World Vision Niger.