article / December 17, 2024
Building Healthier Communities: World Vision Georgia’s Impact on Public Health and Awareness
The pandemic hit vulnerable families the hardest, including children, women, and people with disabilities. Many struggled with worsening economic and social conditions, leading to poor mental and physical health. Routine vaccinations dropped, and access to healthcare services became more difficult.To address these issues and support the recovery of public health,the organisation has launched its first major healthcare initiative, focusing on strengthening Georgia's health and child protection systems. Family doctors and social workers, were trained on key health topics such as immunization, Hepatitis, HIV prevention, HPV, TB, and STDs.
publication / December 19, 2024
World Vision International Framework for Adolescents Engagement in Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change
World Vision International Framework for Adolescents Engagement in Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change
publication / December 11, 2024
World Vision Carbon Programming Benefit Sharing Guidance
Using carbon markets for community projects can enhance child well-being if they ensure economic, social, and environmental benefits, despite scrutiny over carbon credit integrity.
publication / December 9, 2024
Acción climática: Posición política de Visión Mundial
World Vision es una organización cristiana humanitaria de desarrollo y de abogacía, dedicada a trabajar con la niñez, juventud, sus familias y comunidades para reducir la pobreza y la injusticia. Estamos comprometidos con los pobres
article / December 16, 2024
Hope for Flood-Affected Families in Loiyangalani, Marsabit County.
Severe flooding in Marsabit County during the March-May 2024 rains displaced over 6,000 people in Loiyangalani sub-county, damaging livelihoods, livestock, and infrastructure. Ongoing challenges include high food prices and disrupted transportation.
press release / December 17, 2024
World Vision Mozambique Aiming to Assist 75,000 Cyclone-Stricken People in Mozambique
MAPUTO, 17 December -- World Vision is planning to reach up to 75,000 people, particularly children, affected by Tropical Cyclone Chido in the provinces of Cabo Delgado and Nampula, in northern Mozambique. The organization urgently seeks US$1.2 million to provide critical assistance, including food, shelter, water, sanitation and hygiene, and protection. At least 27 people have died, and thousands have been displaced after losing their homes.
video / December 19, 2024
Addressing land degradation is vital to World Vision's mission
Addressing land degradation is vital to World Vision's mission, as it directly impacts livelihoods, food security & resilience of vulnerable communities.
publication / November 26, 2024
Shoots of Hope for a Greener Future: Taking Stock of World Vision’s Environmental Sustainability and Climate Action Roadmap
Responding to children’s urgent call for climate justice, World Vision has developed the first organisation-wide Environmental Sustainability and Climate Action (ESCA) Strategic Roadmap. World Vision completed the first stocktake of ESCA -related programmes implemented during financial years 2023-24 across 69 countries.
article / November 15, 2024
World Vision Kenya Installs Boreholes and Water Tanks in Kitui and Tana River Counties
In 2022, Kitui and Tana River Counties endured severe droughts, impacting crops, water, and livelihoods. Through USAID-BHA-funded KIERP, World Vision Kenya built water sources and storage tanks to support schools and health centers, alleviating the crisis.