publication / March 10, 2025
World Vision MEER Regional Brief: FY24 (between 1 October 2023 - 1 October 2024)
We cannot do it alone. Empowering local actors to lead the response, recovery, rehabilitation and development in their countries is a top priority, and building their capacity supports us to achieve our goals of ensuring every girl and boy has what they need to live a life in all its fullness. We partner with supporters, governments, local communities, faith leaders, civil society, faith-based organisations to support the needs of children and their families throughout the region
article / February 21, 2025
RD Congo: "On ne peut pas sauver tout le monde, mais on peut changer un destin"
Cet article est un récit d'un enfant qui a vu sa vie completement changer car il a bénéficié de l'aide d'un couple bienfaiteur. Cet enfant rejeté hier par sa propre famille, a trouvé une nouvelle famille qui l'a accueilli et lui a tout donné pour transformé sa vie. Ceci a été possible grace à la formation sur l'approche Channel of Hope for Child Proction à laquelle ont participé Rachel et son mari le pasteur David. Ils ont compris leur role et ont agi pour changer la vie de cet enfant.
press release / January 21, 2025
World Vision Albania and European Union Launch Campaign: With You! For You! No Excuse for Violence
In a powerful effort to combat violence and promote a culture of respect, World Vision Albania, in collaboration with the European Union and Ministry of Health and Social Protection, has launched a groundbreaking campaign titled "With You! For You! No Excuse for Violence."
article / February 18, 2025
Le Projet JIGIYA assiste 300 ménages à Koro
Dans le cercle de Koro, le projet multisectoriel JIGIYA qui veut dire : Espoir est mis œuvre depuis de nombreuses années par World Vision Mali dans les communes de Koporo Pen, Koporona, Pelmaoudé. Le projet appuie les communautés dans le domaine de l’eau, hygiène et l’assainissement, la sécurité alimentaire et les moyens d’existence.
publication / March 13, 2025
Cash Waves Report: Executive Summary
This research, commissioned by World Vision’s Middle East and Eastern Europe (MEER) regional office in partnership with Qualisus Consulting, aims to assess the broader impact of cash and voucher assistance (CVA) programmes on marginalised groups and young people’s mental health and psychosocial well-being, livelihood-resilience, community and social cohesion, and child well-being.
press release / November 5, 2024
EU Ambassador Engages in Climate Dialogue with World Vision Albania Youths
This week at #EuropeHouse in Tirana, EU Ambassador Silvio Gonzato hosted 29 young activists from World Vision Albania in a conversation, highlighting youth-led efforts to address the country's environmental and climate challenges.
article / February 3, 2025
From Silence to Voice: Xhensura’s Story of Empowerment and Advocacy
Xhensura’s journey from silence to empowerment highlights the transformative power of advocacy and community support. Through World Vision Albania’s programs, Xhensura became a changemaker, leading initiatives to empower youth, particularly girls, in her community. Her advocacy efforts have influenced key legal reforms in Albania, including amendments to the Youth and Volunteering Laws.
publication / March 10, 2025
Cash Waves
The Cash Waves research, commissioned by World Vision’s MEER office in partnership with Qualisus Consulting, aims to assess the broader impact of CVA programmes on mental health and psychosocial well-being, livelihood-resilience, community cohesion, gender equality and social inclusion (GESI), and child well-being amongst marginalised groups and youth.
publication / May 2, 2024
World Vision Albania Impact Report 2023
In 2023, World Vision Albania was joined again by many partners in its mission to transform lives of 34,455 children and young people. Our partners were citizens who donate, children, families, institutions, faith based and civil society organizations, agencies, businesses, media, experts, networks and more. I want to take the opportunity to say thank you for your partnership.