publication / January 21, 2025
WVI Nepal's Child Sponsorship approach
The publication highlights the sponsorship approach of World Vision International Nepal.
publication / March 3, 2025
Guidance Note: Ensuring Children are Not Left Behind
This Guidance Note provides specific recommendations to Member States on how to include children’s rights, including children’s participation, in VNRs at the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF). It follows the general structure of the Secretary-General’s updated voluntary common reporting guidelines for VNRs2 (the Guidelines), which were most recently updated in November 2019. It also provides examples of good practices from other VNRs from 2017-2019. In line with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, this paper defines “children” as people below the age of 18.
article / February 24, 2025
DR Congo: Immaculée, Kabila, and Jospin – Young Displaced People Pursuing Their Dreams In Goma Despite Adversity
Three teens in DRC, Immaculée, Kabila, and Jospin, find hope through a mechanic training programme by World Vision and Cœur Sans Frontières, despite war and displacement.
article / February 24, 2025
World Vision’s Nutrition intervention curbing malnutrition in Ntoroko
29-year-old Maureen, who lost her home, four goats, and property when Lake Albert and River Semliki burst their banks in late 2024.
Once a landowner, Maureen now struggles to pay rent for the land where her makeshift house stands. Feeding her three children has become a daily battle, and affording nutritious meals is a luxury she can barely dream of.
As a breastfeeding mother to her one-year-old and two-month-old daughter, Deborah, Maureen had hoped to continue nursing her until the age of two.
article / February 24, 2025
World Vision’s Nutrition intervention curbing malnutrition in Ntoroko
29-year-old Maureen, who lost her home, four goats, and property when Lake Albert and River Semliki burst their banks in late 2024.
Once a landowner, Maureen now struggles to pay rent for the land where her makeshift house stands. Feeding her three children has become a daily battle, and affording nutritious meals is a luxury she can barely dream of.
As a breastfeeding mother to her one-year-old and two-month-old daughter, Deborah, Maureen had hoped to continue nursing her until the age of two.
publication / February 28, 2025
Making vulnerability analysis useful for humanitarian response
The importance of vulnerability analysis goes far beyond targeting. It is a prerequisite for good needs assessment, for the design of interventions, for ensuring an inclusive response and for accountability.
publication / January 2, 2025
Choutari: WVI Nepal Newsletter | June 2024 - November 2024 Edition
Choutari is World Vision International Nepal's bi-annual newsletter.
article / February 18, 2025
The Power of a Single Step
The Grace Project in Sri Lanka, funded by the EU, teaches empathy to community members, benefiting over 130,000 people vulnerable to conflicts.
article / February 18, 2025
The Power of a Single Step
The befriending and empathetic listening program aims to develop the skill of listening with empathy in selected community members, teachers, and government officials who engage with the public and children. Gratitude shines in her eyes for the Grassroots Conflict Prevention (Grace) Project, funded by the European Union, which operates in the Western and North-western provinces of Sri Lanka benefiting over 130,000 people who are vulnerable to conflicts due to social and economic situations in Sri Lanka.