Transformational development that is focused on the needs of children.
We believe development should be transformational, community-empowering and sustainable, focused especially on the needs of children. It is a shared human endeavour that enriches the lives of all involved. In our development work, we seek to be a catalyst bringing partners together to improve and sustain the well-being of children — especially the most vulnerable. The local partners we work with include churches, other faith communities, governments, businesses, community-based organisations, and other non-governmental organisations.
We adapt our work to fit local contexts, and continually refine and learn to ensure the greatest possible impact for children. Poverty is complex and multi-faceted, with personal, social, political, physical and spiritual root causes. It is only possible to overcome these and achieve sustained well-being of children if we address broken relationships, between individuals, within families and between states and their citizens. Our transformational development approach focuses on working alongside families and with local, national and global partners, helping children take an active role with their families, to realise fullness of life – in body, mind and spirit.
Our development resources are built on decades of good practices from field offices around the world, as well as learning from other organisations. Included in the publications below are good practice guidance and tools to facilitate community engagement, child participation and working with partners.