Summer camps give joy to Albania’s disadvantaged children & youth

World Vision and Alo! Mik have given more than 130 children from vulnerable groups in Albania the chance to participate in a summer camp at the “Koloseu” camp in Erseka, located 225 km from the capital Tirana.
They do not have other opportunities to play and playing helps them to develop more “The camp gives these children the chance to be involved in activities and have fun,” said Burbuqe Kamberi, World Vision’s Vlora Area Development Programme Village Monitor. “Most of the children are from orphanages or very poor families and they don’t have the opportunity to enjoy such activities.”
“What I have liked most about the camp is that I have met very good people,” said 15-year-old Albana*. “It has been a great experience.”
Children from the Life Project (Children in Crisis - CiC) had the opportunity to enjoy time together at the camp, away from their daily routine, working on the street or begging. Participants at the “Koloseu” camp enjoyed activities like climbing in the tower, swimming in the pool, canoeing and playing a variety of games. Most importantly, they had the chance to learn more about God and their faith on a daily basis.
“I like the camp because I like to learn about Jesus,” said 12-year-old Mira*.
“The children that are part of the CiC project stay mostly in their neighbourhood and haven’t seen many things. They work, are very poor, and the most entertaining activity for them is the Internet”, said Robert Stoli, CiC Community Development Facilitator.
Almost at the same time, another summer camp took place at the “Don Bosko” Centre in Tirana, giving children who live, work or beg on the street, the opportunity to learn different things and to be involved in activities like singing, dancing and playing in the playground together with peers from other NGOs and churches.
“Some of these children have difficulty in integrating with others and are so closed that they do not have any friendship with others in their neighbourhoods. The camp has given them the opportunity to learn new things, have fun and see something different from their daily lives,” added Robert Stoli.
“I like to write and to read. I like to play soccer and swim in the pool [at the centre]. I also like school a lot,” said 9-year-old Ani*, a boy from the Life Project, who participated at the Don Bosko summer camp.
The children like to come out of their shell and make friends.. “Parents of most of these children do not allow them to play and the centre gives them the chance to have fun. They do not have other opportunities to play and playing helps them to develop more,” said Dhurata Dymali, Case Worker at the Don Bosko summer camp.
Another camp in Lezha in World Vision’s Shkodra Area Development Programme also gave children the opportunity to have fun and enjoy a variety of games.
“I had a lot of fun at the beach. We went into the water and then we played in the fields,” said Ana*, a 12-year-old girl who participated at the summer camp in Lezha.
“The children like to come out of their shell and make friends,” said Christina Grant who is the Assistant Leader of the Church Programme. “They are more confident and are doing things they’ve never done before. It is a great experience for them.”
“I liked the game with balloons! We had competitions, we played and we won. We want to have these activities again!” said 14-year-old Ani* matching the enthusiasm of the other participants throughout the camps.
*The names of the children have been changed to protect their identity.