South Sudan
World Vision South Sudan
World Vision has been working in South Sudan since 1989, through our humanitarian work. Our operations cover four major zones: Juba, Upper Nile, Warrap, and Western Equatoria.
In 2023, World Vision's humanitarian assistance in the country has reached out to over 3.2 million people in need, including 1.3 million children, through various initiatives such as food security and livelihood, health and nutrition, protection, education, water, sanitation and hygiene among others. we continued to respond to multiple and, often overlapping crises that include food insecurity and malnutrition, and displacements of people caused by inter-communal conflict, flooding, and the crisis in Sudan.
We were one of the few organizations that assisted in the war to the displaced populations in what was then the Southern Sudan region of Sudan, until after the birth of the Republic of South Sudan on 9 July 2011.
Our Impact
1.26 million
Over 350,000
Over 237,700
The Hunger Crisis: South Sudan battles one of its worst food insecurities
Our Work
Join World Vision’s journey working in a fragile context such as South Sudan
Education Cannot Wait
Education is among the hardest hit sectors when COVID-19 hit South Sudan in 2020. As soon as the lockdown was imposed and schools were close, many children felt doors to their future closed. A UN report estimated that around two million children in primary and secondary schools were deprived of learning opportunity. The report further states that this is in addition to the over 2.2 million who were already out of school due to poverty and many other reasons plaguing the country.