Our commitment to being accountable is rooted in our core values: we are Christian, committed to the poor, stewards, partners, responsive and value people. We recognise that we need to earn the trust of all our stakeholders, being good stewards of donor resources, mutually accountable to our partners and, most importantly, responsive to the voices of vulnerable children and communities.
Our Programme Accountability Framework (also available in Arabic, French, Spanish and Portuguese) summarises how we seek to be accountable to the children and communities we serve. To find out more about how our commitment to accountability shapes all of our operations, view our most recent Accountability Report.

Being transparent about our operations is essential for building trust and enabling our stakeholders to hold us to account. In this we are guided by our Open Information policy.
If you are seeking information not readily available in World Vision publications or on our website, you can make a request to your local World Vision office or to World Vision International here.
We also share our annual financial statements and selected policies:

Commitment to International Accountability Standards
We report on our alignment to the Global Standard for CSO Accountability, and as members of the CHS Alliance we are committed to the Core Humanitarian Standard for Quality and Accountability, implementation of which in our largest emergency responses has been independently verified through the Humanitarian Quality Assurance Initiative.
We are also members of the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) and use the standard to publish information on overall expenditure by World Vision programming offices (complementing more detailed information published by some individual World Vision offices).
We comply with the Institute of Internal Auditors requirements and standards and ensure that External Quality Assurance Reviews are completed with the recommended regularity. In our last review, we received the top level of conformance rating.