COVID-19: Communicating and engaging with communities remotely through SMS
Bangladesh is the ninth largest mobile market in terms of subscriber numbers in the world. According to BTRC, total mobile subscribers stands at 165.615 Million at the beginning of 2020. 74% of people ages 15 to 65 in Bangladesh own mobile phones, only 18% own smartphones (LIRNEasia 2018). Short Message Service (SMS), one of the basic features of mobile phone is considered as an effective medium of communication in terms of cost, time, the requirement of no movement, accuracy of sharing information, text saving option, etc.
As per the report, in 2018, the literacy rate of Bangladesh was 73.91% so, here in Bangladesh, SMS has become a popular media to disseminate messages to the community. Bulk SMS, an advancement in SMS technology, through which it has become easy to send around the world, whether it will be a single message or multiple messages (the list containing millions of numbers). The government of Bangladesh disseminates messages about healthcare, natural disasters, tax services, education information and can also participate in voting, auctions, and many other activities to the people of the country, using bulk SMS services. It is a cheaper way and to reach millions very quickly.
Due to COVID-19, Bangladesh, like other countries in the region, are embracing teleworking. Country operations with existing telephone hotlines need to consider equipping the staff and/or volunteers with laptops and accessories, train them on the dissemination of information, the referral and analysis of concerns and rumours collected on COVID-19. During this time of COVID-19 pandemic, World Vision Bangladesh has chosen this media to promote preventative measures to stop or slow COVID-1 spread as through this media people can get the message at the shortest possible time staying at home and without any physical contact with anyone.
To revert the curve of new infections among a large number of children and their families in a fastest possible way with behaviour change and hygiene messages, WVB COVER is going to utilize telecommunications and shoot bulk SMS. As Bangladesh is one of the top countries in Asia having a large number of populations exposed to telecommunications SMS is one of the most cost and time-effective mediums to disseminate BCC messages that address misconceptions of the pandemic especially in such long-term country lockdown.
In terms of geographical reach, the areas are diverse. Few are remote, accessible, minority community dominated and few are not very remote, accessible, and not minority community dominated. In collaboration with the ministry of health Government of Bangladesh, the technical team of World Vision Bangladesh co-produce the messages for large scale dissemination. These messages are reviewed, approved, and endorsed by the technical committee of government and WHO through the technical leadership of the WV COVID-19 response team.
World Vision is using telecommunications and bulk SMS messages to reach a large number of children and their families with hygiene messages in order to help prevent new COVID-19 cases. Bangladesh is one of the top countries in Asia with a large population exposed to telecommunications. SMS is one of the most cost and time-effective media available to disseminate behaviour-change messages that address misconceptions about COVID-19, especially during such long-term national lockdowns. World Vision has sent bulk SMS texts to 143,346 people to date.