publication / February 11, 2025
Guia de Ação
Um guia de ação do fim de semana de oração e ação contra a fome.
publication / February 11, 2025
Guía de acción
Una guía de acción del Fin de Semana de Oración y Acción contra el Hambre.
article / March 6, 2025
Samia’s story: A mother’s struggle against hunger
In a small community kitchen behind Beirut’s bustling souk, Samia stirs a pot of Mujaddara, providing warmth and nourishment to hungry children. As Lebanon’s economic crisis deepens, families in Shatila camp struggle to afford even the most basic meals. With food prices soaring, World Vision Lebanon and Ahlam Lajea step in to offer a crucial lifeline. But for many, the question remains, how long can they hold on?
article / February 5, 2025
RD Congo : Une Vision Transformée A Kikula : Le Parcours De Matanda Ngadwe
Cet article illustre comment le soutien de World Vision et l'intégration d'une association ont aidé Matanda à développer une grande résilience et à se lancer dans le commerce de proximité. Grâce à cela, elle a pu investir un capital initial qu'elle a su faire fructifier, générant ainsi des revenus et élargissant ses activités. Aujourd'hui, elle est devenue autonome et prend en charge les besoins de sa grande famille.
article / February 26, 2025
Breaking Barriers, Changing Lives: The Story of Precious Matyola
Precious Matyola rides her motorbike through Munwgi and Twikatane, Zambia, reaching over 4,000 farmers as a Development Facilitator for World Vision's EL&R programme.
article / March 3, 2025
The Power of Clean Water in Empowering Girls' Education – 17-year-old Gladys' story of transformation
For 17-year-old Gladys, attending school used to be a daily struggle. As a student at Masamba Secondary School in Zambia, she often faced challenges that made learning difficult. One of the biggest obstacles was the lack of access to clean water.
article / January 22, 2025
World Vision Niger : De l’Enseignement classique à une éducation à distance grâce à la technologie
Éducation, TICs et Intelligence artificielle : au Niger, les technologies innovantes permettent à de nombreux enfants de continuer à étudier malgré les conflits et les catastrophes, une reflexion de Maman Rabi Garba Alfa Bano, Manager Education World Vision Niger.
article / January 11, 2025
RD Congo : Forum Finance et Supply Chain, Une Occasion De Formation, De Rencontre et Renouvellement Des Liens Professionnels
Le département de services de support de World Vision se sont réunis au cours du Forum tenu à Lubumbashi pour analyser leur travail et les défis afin d'améliorer leur service en faveur des autres départements. Après 5 jours de formation, les agents ont convenu de mettre en application les recommandations sorties de ce forum.
publication / February 2, 2025
Stories of Change - Ultra Poor Graduation (UPG) Project
Key findings indicate that 68% of the households have graduated from extreme poverty to sustainable livelihoods. Through improved food security, financial stability, and stronger disaster resilience, families are building brighter futures. Discover how the Ultra Poor Graduation (UPG) project, is a 39-month initiative funded by USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA) transformative project is changing lives in Baidoa, Somalia.
publication / February 28, 2025
Making vulnerability analysis useful for humanitarian response
The importance of vulnerability analysis goes far beyond targeting. It is a prerequisite for good needs assessment, for the design of interventions, for ensuring an inclusive response and for accountability.