publication / March 10, 2025
East Asia Capacity Statement | Gender Equality, Disability & Social Inclusion
In East Asia, millions of women, girls, and people with disabilities face persistent inequalities that limit their access to essential services and lifelong opportunities. An estimated 43 million children in the region live with disabilities, many of whom are denied education and healthcare. Poverty forces nearly 1 in 10 children into child labour across the Asia-Pacific region. Additionally, 1 in 5 girls are married before their 18th birthday, hindering their education and increasing their vulnerability to poverty.
article / March 11, 2025
The Silent Revolution: How Engaging Men is Transforming Families and Communities
We often focus on empowering women in the fight for gender equality, but what if the key to unlocking true change lies in engaging men? Discover how World Vision Bangladesh's MenCare Approach is revolutionising gender equality by engaging men as allies. Learn how this transformative strategy is reducing gender-based violence, promoting shared caregiving, and fostering healthier families and communities.
publication / March 13, 2025
Cash Waves Report: Executive Summary
This research, commissioned by World Vision’s Middle East and Eastern Europe (MEER) regional office in partnership with Qualisus Consulting, aims to assess the broader impact of cash and voucher assistance (CVA) programmes on marginalised groups and young people’s mental health and psychosocial well-being, livelihood-resilience, community and social cohesion, and child well-being.
article / March 12, 2025
Empowering the Future: Transforming Disaster Resilience for Lesotho’s Children and Communities
Discover how World Vision, with support from ECHO, is empowering children and communities in Lesotho through disaster risk reduction initiatives. From school debates to infrastructure improvements, learn how young voices and local partnerships are shaping a resilient future
publication / March 10, 2025
Cash Waves
The Cash Waves research, commissioned by World Vision’s MEER office in partnership with Qualisus Consulting, aims to assess the broader impact of CVA programmes on mental health and psychosocial well-being, livelihood-resilience, community cohesion, gender equality and social inclusion (GESI), and child well-being amongst marginalised groups and youth.
publication / March 11, 2025
THAILAND CHILD-LED RESEARCH: Impact, Understanding and Development of Children and Youth Participation in Climate Change and Disaster Action
We are a group of young researchers in Thailand who conducted a study to better understand how climate change and disasters affect children in our communities. Through this research, we hope to contribute to the raising of awareness on the impacts of climate change and disasters in our communities. In recent years, our country has experienced severe heat waves due to climate change. This interrupts our daily activities, including our schooling and our families’ livelihood, and has also caused us children and adults alike to experience many health problems.
article / March 5, 2025
Boosting Learning through Social Behavioral Change in Ghana
Explore how World Vision Ghana's groundbreaking initiative empowers parents to improve their children's learning at home, through a social behavioral change project in Fanteakwa.
article / February 26, 2025
Placing children at the centre of humanitarian response through partnership with WFP
Placing children at the centre of humanitarian response through partnership with WFP
article / March 5, 2025
RD Congo : Une Transformation Inspirante à Kisunka grâce à l'Approche Celebrating Families
Cet article raconte l'histoire du Pasteur Jonathan et de son épouse Brigitte, un couple de Kisunka, dans le sud de la RDC, qui ont vécu une transformation familiale grâce à la formation "Celebrating Families" organisée par World Vision en avril 2024. Avant cette formation, leur foyer était marqué par un manque de communication, des tensions et des décisions unilatérales de la part de Jonathan. Cependant, après avoir suivi la formation, ils ont appris à mieux dialoguer, à se respecter mutuellement et à prendre des décisions ensemble, renforçant ainsi les liens familiaux. Cette expérience a eu un impact non seulement sur leur propre vie, mais aussi sur leur communauté, inspirant d'autres couples à améliorer leurs dynamiques familiales. Aujourd'hui, ils encouragent d'autres familles à suivre cet apprentissage pour créer des foyers plus équilibrés et respectueux.