Environmental Sustainability and Climate Action (ESCA) Strategic Roadmap


Responding to children’s urgent call for climate justice, World Vision has developed the first organisation-wide Environmental Sustainability and Climate Action (ESCA) Strategic Roadmap, with an initial three-year commitment (FY2025– 2027) that aligns with our long-term goals to be achieved by 2030. Through the ESCA Strategic Roadmap, our aim is to reach 20 million people (10 million children) so that children and their caregivers can live in a thriving environment with improved resilience against environmental and climate shocks.

At its heart, the ESCA Strategic Roadmap is about placing children and their rights at the centre of the climate crisis and creating solutions that are good for people and for the planet.  In order to effectively address the climate crisis, we must take concurrent actions to end extreme poverty and inequality, support at-risk communities to build resilience, and reduce global climate and environmental impact to create a climate-safe future.

Our response to the climate crisis focuses on these four main areas: 

  1. Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) scale-up and ecosystem restoration for children and communities 
  2. Building sustainable agri-food systems for food and nutrition security 
  3. Strengthening community resilience to climate-related disaster risks 
  4. Integrating environmental stewardship and climate action across our operations and programmes

Download the full report or a summary version below