article / March 6, 2025
Samia’s story: A mother’s struggle against hunger
In a small community kitchen behind Beirut’s bustling souk, Samia stirs a pot of Mujaddara, providing warmth and nourishment to hungry children. As Lebanon’s economic crisis deepens, families in Shatila camp struggle to afford even the most basic meals. With food prices soaring, World Vision Lebanon and Ahlam Lajea step in to offer a crucial lifeline. But for many, the question remains, how long can they hold on?
article / February 26, 2025
Breaking Barriers, Changing Lives: The Story of Precious Matyola
Precious Matyola rides her motorbike through Munwgi and Twikatane, Zambia, reaching over 4,000 farmers as a Development Facilitator for World Vision's EL&R programme.
article / March 3, 2025
The Power of Clean Water in Empowering Girls' Education – 17-year-old Gladys' story of transformation
For 17-year-old Gladys, attending school used to be a daily struggle. As a student at Masamba Secondary School in Zambia, she often faced challenges that made learning difficult. One of the biggest obstacles was the lack of access to clean water.
publication / February 28, 2025
Making vulnerability analysis useful for humanitarian response
The importance of vulnerability analysis goes far beyond targeting. It is a prerequisite for good needs assessment, for the design of interventions, for ensuring an inclusive response and for accountability.
publication / February 2, 2025
Stories of Change - Ultra Poor Graduation (UPG) Project
Key findings indicate that 68% of the households have graduated from extreme poverty to sustainable livelihoods. Through improved food security, financial stability, and stronger disaster resilience, families are building brighter futures. Discover how the Ultra Poor Graduation (UPG) project, is a 39-month initiative funded by USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA) transformative project is changing lives in Baidoa, Somalia.
publication / March 3, 2025
Guidance Note: Ensuring Children are Not Left Behind
This Guidance Note provides specific recommendations to Member States on how to include children’s rights, including children’s participation, in VNRs at the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF). It follows the general structure of the Secretary-General’s updated voluntary common reporting guidelines for VNRs2 (the Guidelines), which were most recently updated in November 2019. It also provides examples of good practices from other VNRs from 2017-2019. In line with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, this paper defines “children” as people below the age of 18.
article / February 21, 2025
RD Congo: "On ne peut pas sauver tout le monde, mais on peut changer un destin"
Cet article est un récit d'un enfant qui a vu sa vie completement changer car il a bénéficié de l'aide d'un couple bienfaiteur. Cet enfant rejeté hier par sa propre famille, a trouvé une nouvelle famille qui l'a accueilli et lui a tout donné pour transformé sa vie. Ceci a été possible grace à la formation sur l'approche Channel of Hope for Child Proction à laquelle ont participé Rachel et son mari le pasteur David. Ils ont compris leur role et ont agi pour changer la vie de cet enfant.
publication / February 21, 2025
This is a World Vision Tanzania FY24 Annual Report which depicts the Ministry Work that has been done during the year 2024.