Disaster Risk Management and Humanitarian Response

Resilience and DRR intervention flyer cover
Mercredi 5 janvier 2022 - 11:13

World Vision International Nepal, as a humanitarian organisation, has been actively working to support the communities and the Government of Nepal during times of disaster. As a focus to address the immediate needs of disaster-affected households, World Vision has continued to extend its support through coordination with the local governments during floods, landslides, and earthquakes since the beginning of its work in Nepal. World Vision is among first humanitarian responders during any disasters in the communities in Nepal. 

A total of 1,719 households affected by landslides, flood, earthquake, coldwave, fire and wind were supported with food and non-food items in Jumla, Mugu, Jajarkot, Kailali, Doti, Mahottari, Sarlahi, Udaypur, Rautahat and Sindhuli districts. Local Disaster Management Committees (LDMCs) in 14 municipalities were supported with search and rescue items in Doti, Kailali, Udaypur, Sindhuli, Mahottari and Rautahat district, similarly, LEOC in Nalgadh of Jajarkot was supported with emergency search and rescue items. World Vision further supported the formulation of Local Disaster and Climate Resilience Plan (LDCRP) of Lamjung in collaboration with Catholic Relief Services for the joint facilitation of the LDCRP. Similarly, three local governments of Kailali were supported in updating the disaster preparedness and response plan.  

  • 45 non-food items (NFI) kits (solar lamp, nylon cloth, blanket, mattress, tarpaulin) were supported for possible disaster/ emergency response in future-Lamjung AP. 

  • Emergency and rescue items were supported to 13 LDMC for disaster mitigation. 

As a part of disaster preparedness, World Vision Nepal has supported in preparing schols to respond on earthquakes, floods and landslides through mock drills/simulation exercises. First aid trainings are alos conducted in several disaster-risk communities regularly. 

World Vision aims to support the government at various levels to strengthen the disaster risk management. Through the World Vision’s intervention, capacity building workshops for of Ward Level Disaster Management Committees on mitigation measures of the hazard already identified in LDCRP was conducted in Lamjung. Various events including resource mapping, simulation exercise with security forces, disaster risk reduction policy and strategy plan have been supported to the local government across different local governments in World Vision’s working areas.

Similarly, with World Vision’s program support hazard-specific simulations were conducted in 75 schools (60-earthquake and landslides; 15-earthquake and flood) while school safety plans for 90 schools were updated. In FY23, 166 Community Disaster Management Committees were formed and provided orientation to 60 task forces. World Vision was designated as the District Lead Support Agency in Mahottari and Sarlahi. 

This factsheet provides an overview of World Vision International Nepal’s Resilience and DRR interventions, 2021-2025.