Citizen Voice & Action: An original approach to social accountability
For nearly two decades, World Vision has developed, tested, and implemented an original approach to social accountability, Citizen Voice and Action (CVA), which emphasises advocacy and dialogue. CVA results are usually described in positive terms but vary enormously from one context to another.
Until now, there had been no specific evaluation of the CVA in the context of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). This report explores a wide range of CVA activities in DRC and proposes some points for reflection. It is not an impact assessment focused on specific and limited indicators or a technical analysis of its implementation (comparing to the theory) but a review of CVA activities that aims to understand: (1) What is CVA in practice in DRC? (2) What are the issues and problems that the CVA solves? And those that it does not solve? and (3) When does the CVA approach work? What are the contextual and programmatic elements essential to its success?
The answers are compiled in this report. Click below to download it.