Citizen Voice and Action (CVA) improves health services at Kazwama Health Centre II

Mardi 15 juillet 2014 - 10:10

 Kazwama Health Centre II had no water points, no lights and it seemed more of a nightmare to visit the health centre than a relief.

Located in Nakasongola district, Water was lacking and services were poorly given at the Health unit says Aidah Birabwa an elderly patient at the health centre. Other patients like Musa Walabyeeki, reported that Health Workers would not attend night duties due to absence of light and that conditions at the hospital were unbearable.

“The maternity ward had been invaded by bats and they would spread diseases to pregnant mothers and new born babies,” says Musa.

After a community gathering conducted by the Citizen Voice and Action (CVA) team in March 2013, the community was empowered to lobby for funds to renovate the maternity ward, Outpatient Department, provide water and a solar power system (solar panels). CVA sensitisation meetings enabled Health workers, patients and Health management committees to understand and execute their duties and responsibilities which led to better working relationships. For example, there used to be poor delivery of drugs from the district to the Health Centre but this was improved after action of the Health Management Committee.

“It was through CVA that the Health Center In-charge and I wrote to Kalungi Sub County in regards to the poor conditions of the Health facility. As a result, staff Quarters were renovated by the sub county. The Outpatient Department (OPD), maternity ward and water tanks were also renovated with support from STRIDES and two Health workers are being facilitated to the Health Center by Mild-may Uganda,” Mr. Ddamba, the Chairperson Health Management Committee reported.