CVA Changes Our Village

Jeudi 31 mai 2018 - 02:54

Sungai Ayak 1 Village in West Kalimantan is one of the assisted areas of EU-CSO Empowerment Project whose implemented CVA (Citizen Voice and Action) since 2017. The progress of the program was going fast. Several changes happened at the village. Not only Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI), the participant of local government and public health center (Puskesmas) also contributed to the project.

Before CVA project was doing on Sungai Ayak 1, one of the sub-village, Enteras did not have Poskesdes (Village Health Post). People were running the activity of integrated health post (Posyandu) together in one of villager’s house. By that time, the local government and the villagers were committing to spending any money for build Poskesdes place.

Suja’i (40 yo) as one of villager facilitator and also a member of BPD (Badan Pemusyawaratan Daerah) said the differences of his village after CVA project came into the village.

“At the first time we want to make Polindes (village birth clinic), however at the conference, we decided to change it into Poskesdes. It will be realized on this year. The Puskesmas also has been contributing in the provision of baby measurement, microtois. The cadres also already got the payment for their work,” said Suja’i.

Not only Sungai Ayak 1 village whose got the positive impact of CVA project, Semabi village is also got the similar changes. Puskesmas and Posyandu of the villages already have a midwife who stayed at the village. The cadres of Puskesmas and Posyandu already got the training to implement the program correctly.