News and Media
As one of the largest child-focused INGOs, World Vision engages with a growing number of multilaterals, donor agencies, government institutions, NGOs and academic institutions worldwide. World Vision aims to be an influential voice addressing child wellbeing in urban contexts within the global development agenda.
Find out more information on World Vision's urban work in recent news, or browse the external media coverage by several organisations below.
News Articles
- Present and Future - Habitat III must acknowledge young people's role in shaping our cities
- Bridging the GAP: Urban advocacy for children and youths
- Habitat III Process Paying 'Insufficient' Attention to Resilience and Urban Crises
United Nations
- Historic first for children's inclusion in Habitat process, now what next?
- Children propose solutions for inclusive and smart cities at Children & Youth Assembly, Habitat III
- Partners highlight power of technology to ensure participatory urban governance
- Children and youth are agents of change, not just beneficiaries in the New Urban Agenda
- Ethics Take Centre Stage at Australia's Urban Thinkers Campus
- Urban Resilience Provides Framework to Bridge Humanitarian and Development Divide
- Ethical Cities: Locking in Liveability Urban Thinkers Campus
- The City We Need - Healthy and Just Cities for Children and Youth
- Children and Youth Shaping the City We Need
- World Vision hosts "Healthy and Just Cities for Children and Youth" Urban Thinkers Campus
- The Future we Want - Children and Youth Speak Up
- Towards Liveable Spaces where Children Thrive
- Just Cities for Children: World Vision International Contributing to Urban October
- Children’s Assembly Addresses Urban Child Well-Being at WUF7
- World Vision Unites with WUC for Child Friendly Cities
Urban Gateway
Huffington Post
- Historical first: Children propose solutions for inclusive and smart cities at Habitat III
- Inclusive Cities Critical to the New Urban Agenda
- Europe, Youth and the New Urban Agenda
Cities Today
UN Global Compact - Cities Programme
Sustainable Cities Collective
National Newspapers
- El Telégrafo: "Más de 300 niños y jóvenes presentarán sus propuestas para el Hábitat III", 11 October 2016
- El Comercio: "Niños, jóvenes y mujeres participaron en las primeras conferencias de Hábitat III", 15 October 2016
- El Telégrafo: "Hay que construir una voz que reúna a todos los actores", 17 October 2016
Press Releases
Habitat III Media Centre
- World Vision's statement to the UN General Assembly of Member States at Habitat III, advocating for a special focus on the issue of violence against children and multi-sectoral partnerships in the implementation of the New Urban Agenda (October 2016)
- Miss Emily Daniela, child representative from WV Ecuador, calling upon city authorities to listen to children and safer and peaceful cities at Habitat III (October 2016)
- World Vision's statement to UN General Secretary Ban Ki-Moon during major stakeholder meeting at Habitat III (October 2016)
- World Vision's statement to the UN General Assembly of Member States at PrepCom III, highlighting the issue of migration, data, resilience and interfaith dialogue in the New Urban Agenda, Indonesia (July 2016)
- World Vision's Response to the Zero Draft of the New Urban Agenda as Co-Chair of the General Assembly of Partners' Children & Youth Constituent Group during the Informal Hearings with Major Stakeholders, New York (June 2016) - 1:34
- World Vision's Call for Quality Education, Genuine Participation and Cohesive and Peaceful Communities for Children and Youth during the United Nations Habitat III European Regional Meeting, Prague (April 2016)
- World Vision's statement to the UN General Assembly of Member States at PrepCom II on the importance of the role of children and youth, Nairobi (April 2015).
- Collaboration and Innovation to Address Urban Poverty, Rio+20 - Corporate Sustainable Forum
World Urban Campaign TV
- 'The City We Need - Urban Thinkers Voices' featuring Joyati Das on the inclusion imperative in the New Urban Agenda, (October 2016)
- 'The City Youth Need, The World They Want' Urban Thinkers Campus, featuring World Vision Kenya's Urban Technicial Specialist, (February 2016).
The British Academy
- International Seminar on Social Innovation and Creative Responses to Global Urban Challenges. Find out more about The British Academy.
- RCN TV (Colombia): Children Star at World Urban Forum 7 (in Spanish)
- Teleantioquia (Colombia): Children Present their Manifesto at the World Urban Forum 7 (in Spanish)
- El Tiempo (Colombia): Children's Own Assembly at the World Urban Forum 7 (in Spanish)
- World Vision International: "Historic Inclusion of Children at UN Conference Habitat III. What next?"
- Bernard van Leer Foundation: "Habitat III: Outcomes and Future Opportunities for Children"