The Plight of Central African Republic's Children

Mercredi 5 novembre 2014 - 14:14

The rapid escalation of conflict in Central African Republic (CAR) has proved horrific for the country’s children. The results of a recent World Vision assessment, conducted in partnership with local partner JUPEDEC, reveal an alarming humanitarian situation for children in the south-west of the country. People living in Ombella M’Poko region have suffered from massive displacement and violence, including extortion, rape, robbery and destruction and looting of homes, farms, health centres and schools. 

Almost 60 per cent of households are highly vulnerable. These deprivations deal an especially harsh blow to children who are the most vulnerable among the vulnerable. When food runs out, adults go hungry, but children can die. 

To make matters worse, children have been sucked into the spiral of violence. They have taken up arms to defend their villages and, often denied access to education, they have been embraced by armed groups.

The humanitarian crisis demands an urgent response to provide immediate aid to those who are suffering, to help diffuse tensions, to restore essential infrastructure and livelihoods, and most importantly, to restore hope for children.