Infographic: Nepal Covid-19 Response

Lundi 6 avril 2020 - 09:48

The Government of Nepal (GoN) gears up its efforts to prevent spreading of Covid-19 in the country as the number of cases increase gradually. Being one of its partners, World Vision International Nepal (WVIN) has developed a comprehensive response plan to backstop the government’s efforts to contain outbreak in the country. Keeping children at the core, the strategic response will be implemented across 14 working districts of WVIN initially with room for expansion to other districts/areas depending on the need.

Specifically, the response aims to: i) support the GoN's efforts to scale up preventive measures to limit the spread of COVID-19; ii) strengthen health systems and workers; iii) support children, women and the most vulnerable families impacted by COVID-19 through education, child protection, food and livelihood interventions, and iv) collaborate and advocate to ensure the most vulnerable children and groups are protected.

Through this response, World Vision aims to reach 20,000 children, 40,000 adults, 1,000 doctors, 64 health institutions and more than 15 million people nationwide through a network of 300 + community radios. First 30 days of the response focuses on educating general people and equipping hospitals/health workers with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), while beyond 30 days interventions include providing WASH and Hygiene kits to health facilities and vulnerable children/families, food vouchers or financial assistance to most vulnerable families, distance learning for children anticipating longer school holidays and development of child protection psychosocial virtual materials. Activities beyond 60 days are in process of development.

Nepal Covid-19 Response infographic