Boy climbing a tree in Ghana

Ending violence in all its forms

Neglect and exploitation, physical, sexual and emotional abuse, are all forms of violence.

They affect half the world’s children across all countries and settings. Every act of violence against a child is a tragedy with consequences that can last a lifetime.

Girl from Afghanistan


Every two seconds a girl is married before age 18... 115 million boys and men were married as children.

Child marriage is any formal marriage or informal union where one or both of those involved are under 18. It’s a global problem which is halting millions of children’s childhoods, compromising their

Sisters power pose in Colombia


1 in 10 girls have been subjected to forced sexual acts before age 20... 3 million girls are at risk of female genital

Worldwide, up to 50 percent of sexual assaults are committed on girls younger than 16. Almost a quarter of all trafficking victims around the world are girls, and the majority of them are trafficked

Nahomy in the library at school


60% of children are physically punished by their caregivers... 88% of children live in countries where corporal punishment is

In most countries around the world, the primary form of violence against children comes from within the family. We’re working to protect children by forming community-based committees to create safe

World Vision staff kneeling with young boy


A quarter of the world's children live in countries affected by conflict or disaster... Every day, 37,000 people are forced

Conflict can devastate children’s lives. As well as being forced to leave behind everything they know, children may be left orphaned, separated from their families, find themselves caring for young

covid + education


Over a third of students age 13-15 are regularly bullied in school... Two in three young people worry about violence in

School should be a place of safety where children can learn, play and develop. But for too many young people school is a place of violence and fear. Over half the world’s children live in countries

Boy learning online during COVID-19


42% of young people experience harassment on Instagram... More than a third of young people report being a victim of online

Online violence has seeped into the lives of children across the world and can take many forms. Children can be exposed to violent content and open to exploitation by adults and bullying by other

Jatin, 13, works in a textile factory in India


160 million children are child labourers... 25% of all detected trafficking victims are children.

Child labour is one of the most serious forms of child exploitation, forcing children to miss or drop out of school and exposing then to serious harm. At its worst, child labour can result in children

girl child soldier in camo gear


420 million children are living in conflict zones... Children as young as 8 are being recruited by armed groups.

For thousands of children, there is no real choice when it comes to joining armed groups. It’s kill or be killed. They are promised education, protection and a future. Once they’re involved, escaping