Joining forces to end hunger and malnutrition: World Vision's ENOUGH Campaign

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Շաբաթ, Մարտ 2, 2024

In a world where millions still go to bed hungry every night, the fight against hunger and malnutrition has never been more urgent. On February 23, 2024, in the midst of the 11th Asia Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development (APFSD), World Vision in the East Asia region and South Asia and the Pacific region came together with esteemed partners including the World Food Programme, Scale Up Nutrition Network in Asia, the Food and Agriculture Organisation, and Child Rights Coalition Asia to launch a timely and ambitious initiative: the ENOUGH Campaign.

Serving as a vital platform for advancing progress on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), this year, APFSD's focus was on SDG 2 - Zero Hunger, resonating deeply with the mission of World Vision’s ENOUGH global campaign. With a theme centred on reinforcing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and eradicating poverty amidst multiple crises, the urgency of collective efforts to foster effective delivery of sustainable, resilient and innovative solutions in Asia and the Pacific cannot be overstated.

The ENOUGH Campaign is World Vision's global call to action to end child hunger and malnutrition in a world where there are enough resources to do so. It amplifies the voices of children, citizens, partners, and policymakers to ensure that hungry and malnourished children are not only seen and heard but also prioritised in policy and funding decisions. In a region where 69.1 million people face acute food insecurity and 1.9 billion struggle to afford a healthy diet, the need for action is clear.

Terry Ferrari, Regional Leader of World Vision East Asia, emphasised the importance of listening to children, who are not just acutely affected by hunger and malnutrition but are fully capable as agents of change with rights to nutritious food and participation in decision-making processes. While acknowledging the efforts of government partners, Terry Ferrari stressed the need for collective action to accelerate progress towards SDG 2 targets.

At the heart of the ENOUGH Campaign are stories like that of Sisavan from Laos, whose community's food production has been devastated by climate change-induced droughts and floods, leaving families struggling to put nutritious food on the table. Narin, a youth from Cambodia, shared how poverty exacerbates food insecurity in his community where 30% of children in his neighbourhood are currently undernourished and where children often drop out of school to help their families survive.

Screenshots from APFSD11

The APFSD side event facilitated dialogue between children and esteemed representatives of development agencies in Asia Pacific, fostering a commitment to building a world where every child has enough nourishing food to thrive. Together, we can turn the tide against hunger and malnutrition, ensuring that every girl and boy has the opportunity to thrive and achieve their full potential.

Join us in the fight against hunger and malnutrition - because when it comes to ending the cycle of poverty, we need ENOUGH people like you, ENOUGH political will and ENOUGH funding to do ENOUGH for children.

Full recording of World Vision's ENOUGH Campaign launch in Asia Pacific to end hunger and malnutrition.