Understanding Cash-based Programming and Protection in Northern Region of Iraq

Case study report on cash and protection to measure the impact of World Vision's humanitarian cash-for-food transfer programme in Iraq on protection outcomes, particularly for women and children.
Հինգշաբթի, Նոյեմբեր 15, 2018

In July 2018, World Vision commissioned a Cash and Protection Study to measure the impact of their Iraq humanitarian cash for food transfer program on protection outcomes, particularly for women and children. Although projects sur veyed used different modalities for cash distribution, comparisons based on differing modalities were not considered within the scope of this study.

The study used a survey and interviews about perceptions of safety and protection from violence in different settings: the home, the local neighbourhood, and the community more broadly based on 4 key questions. The study also used Most Significant Change methodology to identify women’s and men’s representative experiences of the cash programs and whether gender and protection outcomes were among these. In total, 367 households (across different camps and host communities) of Syrian refugees and displaced Iraqis in Northern Iraq completed the survey and 187 provided interview or focus group information.