World Vision distributes hygiene kits to families in northern Bangladesh

Distribution of hygiene kits in NBR
Հինգշաբթի, Մայիս 14, 2020

As part of the COVID-19 response, World Vision Bangladesh conducted its first hygiene kits distribution to the most vulnerable families in Paba Area Programme. The kits include 10 pieces bathing soap, one-kilogram washing powder, one-kilogram bleaching powder, 50 pieces face mask, eight packs of sanitary napkins and one mug for each family. World Vision Bangladesh will continue supporting more than 200 families in these areas of northern Bangladesh. 

World Vision Bangladesh COVID-19 response aims to reach more than 3.4 million vulnerable children and families in Bangladesh through food packs and hygiene kits distribution, provision of PPE to medical workers, cash assistance, establishing community hand-washing stations, and community engagement to disseminate information.