Access to a Child-Friendly Justice System in Kenya

Երեքշաբթի, Հունիս 16, 2020
  1. Children accused of committing offenses, especially minor ones, should be diverted to community based systems instead of going through the court system.
  2. All Children coming into contact with the law should be provided with free legal aid to help them navigate the justice system.
  3. The age of criminal responsibility for children should be raised to 12 years, from the current 8 years in Kenya.
  4. Children in contact with the law should not be mixed with adults in police stations
  5. All police stations should have functional Child Protection Units to enhance safety of children as they await reintegration or court cases.
  6. Cases involving children should not take long to conclude
  7. Area advisory Councils across various parts of the Country should have child friendly mechanisms for enabling children and their families to report cases of child rights violations.