Uganda Village Health Worker - John Atiku


World Vision's Approach


World Vision’s Health and Nutrition Sector Approach’s high-level goal is in alignment with Sustainable Development Goal 3 to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all ages, and particularly children under 5. We envision a world where every child is protected from vaccine-preventable infectious diseases and associated morbidity and mortality.

For all areas where World Vision has active programmes, it will pursue three main goals between 2025 and 2030: 

  1. Reduce the number of zero-dose children by 50% by 2030 
  2. Increase comprehensive coverage of childhood vaccines per immunisation schedule to at least 90% by 2030. The global marker for comprehensive vaccination coverage is the coverage of the third dose of Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis containing vaccines (DTP-3)
  3. Attain desirable immunisation coverage for new vaccine introductions, vaccination in humanitarian settings, and outbreak response campaigns 

This approach also seeks to address inter-generational impacts on health and well-being of children by targeting the child and the caregiver even before she becomes pregnant and when she is yet an adolescent. World Vision will work with communities, governments, and local and global civil society organisations and other partners to strengthen delivery systems that ensure the most vulnerable have access to the life-saving vaccines they need to survive and thrive.

Read about World Vision's COVID-19 vaccine response here.