Amos Doornbos Headshot

Amos Doornbos

Digital Systems Director

"Every day, I work on new approaches, new models, and new technology to enable people affected by crises to rebuild their own lives."

Amos has a passion for information and figuring out applications for technology to make the lives of beneficiaries and frontline staff easier. He is particularly interested in enabling individuals to have more control over and access to their data as well as wrestling with issues like consent, ethics, and rights. He spends most of his time trying to convince agencies technology is the easy part and the real challenge is changing people’s behaviour and organisational processes and culture. Amos has over 15 years of experience working and around humanitarian aid in over 25 countries – within large and small iNGOs, creating new innovative NGOs, and consulting and coaching. In his spare time, he enjoys serving on boards of social enterprises and creating things – from websites to sheds to houses, gardens and cakes.