How to talk to children about Racial Discrimination?

How to talk to children about Racial Discrimination?
სამშაბათი, აპრილი 11, 2023

This March 21 marks the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, a problem that affects a large part of the world's population, including the Dominican Republic, as it is a reality that racism continues in our community. How to talk to children about Racial Discrimination? Here we bring you 10 tips, in a guide for parents and educators, on how to engage in a conversation that fosters empathy and respect for all people.


To combat racial discrimination it is important to create awareness in children about the equality of all people regardless of their race or ethnicity, this task is vital because they will be the ones who, from a young age, will promote empathy to their close circle.

How to talk to children about Racial Discrimination?

Guide for talking about racial discrimination with children:

1. Answer their questions: although you do not have to have the answers to everything they ask you, you must be always willing to answer their questions, especially when they are focused on issues of race or ethnicity. Do some research if you don't know the answer.


2. Recognize the differences: denying that people are physically different would be a mistake, so it is important to take every opportunity to recognize that people are different and that this is not wrong.


3. Be a fair person: it is important to explain that racial discrimination or racism is wrong and that it is unfair and unacceptable in society.


4.     Talk openly: an honest discussion about inclusion and racial discrimination will give your son or daughter a space in which he or she can address any concerns or even comment on the situation.


5.     Ask them about their environment: children share spaces with many other people, it is important that you ask them how these types of issues are developed in their school, friends, etc., so you will know what they are learning and you can understand their reality.



6.         Build hypothetical situations: talk to him or her about a particular situation that shows rational discrimination and ask him or her what he or she thinks or how he or she would act, so he or she can ground with examples of what you have taught him or her.


7.    Consult with him or her about their social networks: it is important that fathers, mothers and children browse together through the social networks they frequent, so you can establish their sources of information and if there are any stereotypes or social prejudices in them.


8.     Be an example: children imitate the actions of their parents, so you must set an example in your conversations and attitudes towards different issues such as racial discrimination.


9.     Create safe spaces: if you believe that your son or daughter may be a victim of racial discrimination, you must establish safe spaces where you can talk about what he or she feels and how to avoid it. You can even ask for psychological support.


10.     Get your child to act: if your child witnesses an act of racial discrimination, you must tell him or her that he or she must act, either by taking the case to adults who can handle the situation or by talking to those affected about it.

How to talk to children about Racial Discrimination?

World Vision Dominican Republic is committed to eliminating racial discrimination from society because our main mission is to create safe environments for children and adolescents to develop life at its fullness. If you want to contribute to the education and protection of children, join us against all types of violence.


Original article here