Fact Sheet: Resilience in West Africa & The Sahel
World Vision is a leading humanitarian and development organisation with a proven track record in strengthening the adaptive, absorptive, and transformative capacities of vulnerable communities. With extensive experience and presence in nearly 100 countries, World Vision is well-equipped to work towards ensuring resilience in any context while taking into consideration unique social, economic, and environmental situations. Our food security and livelihoods programming focuses on multi-sectoral, integrated approaches to enhancing the resilience of vulnerable populations. World Vision has developed a Multi-Sectoral Resilience Framework that guides our resilience strategy and is backed by formative research and substantial experience in resilience programming.
World Vision's Multi-Sectoral Resilience Framework guides the organisation's overall resilience strategy and approach. The approach recognises that resilience building must be context and problem-driven instead of merely sector specific. The goal of the approach is meant to build the adaptive, absorbative and transformative capacities of individuals, households, communities, and systems. World Vision implements resilience building projects in more than 50 countries in development, humanitarian and peace contexts. These projects are funded by donors including USAID, European Union, WFP, UNHCR, UNICEF, UNDP, private foundations and others.