Waking Our Wonder: World Vision Malawi Annual Report 2020

2020 Annual Report - Malawi
პარასკევი, აპრილი 23, 2021

World Vision continues to build upon a strong relationship with local churches, civil society organisations and the Government of Malawi to implement programmes that serve the vulnerable children and their communities in the country.

2020 has been a year of waking our wonder to the great things that God achieved through our lives. Over the course of the year, our work helped safeguard 300,000 children against malaria, provide access to clean water for an additional 90,000 people, and support Savings for Transformation groups within our areas of operation to reach over US$ 2 million in savings. All whilst collaborating and advocating to contain the spread of COVID-19 and protect children during the pandemic.

This report highlights these and other key achievements that, together with partners, we accomplished in these unusual circumstances.