publication / February 6, 2025
Children and Youth Voices on Migration, Civil Registration and Vital Statistics
This report presents the voices of 69 children—33 girls and 36 boys—aged 14 to 17 from 10 countries, sharing their experiences and perspectives on migration.
Through consultations, they discussed key themes, including the drivers of migration, its impact on children, identity documentation, challenges in civil registration, and recommendations for strengthening civil registration and vital statistics (CRVS) systems. The participating countries were Bangladesh, Cambodia, Laos, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam.
article / November 15, 2024
Grey water system: A water and sanitation solution for boarding schools in Mongolia
While half of Mongolia's population lives in the capital, rural areas struggle with a lack of understanding about sanitation and clean water systems.
publication / March 18, 2025
Price Shocks 2025: High Prices Lead to Hunger Pandemic
World Vision report that looks at how long it takes for families around the world to be able to afford basic food supplies.
publication / March 5, 2025
East Asia Capacity Statement | Child Protection & Participation
At World Vision, we believe every child has the right to live free from harm. Yet, across East Asia, nearly 60% of children experience violence before they reach adulthood, and millions face the threat of trafficking, exploitation, and neglect. These realities demand urgent action.
publication / December 18, 2024
East Asia Annual Regional Snapshot 2023
World Vision has been a steadfast presence in East Asia since 1950, operating in Cambodia, China, Lao PDR, Mongolia, Myanmar, North Korea, Thailand, and Viet Nam. Our multisector programmes are tailored to the needs and priorities of local communities. With the support of over 2,200 staff, more than 99% of whom are local, we deliver impactful and sustainable solutions.
publication / February 13, 2025
East Asia Capacity Statement | Environmental Sustainability & Climate Action
East Asia is one of the most climate-exposed and disaster-prone region. Up to 65% of children face multiple and increasingly frequent shocks, including flooding, drought, saltwater inundation, and climate-related diseases. Children and families living in poverty are disproportionately affected.
article / March 12, 2024
A harrowing tale of survival in Mongolia
Mongolia is highly vulnerable to severe winter conditions and cold waves, known locally as ‘Dzud’. This condition has been made worse over the years due to climate change.
publication / November 21, 2024
Child-Led Study: Young Minds Shaping Climate Action & Disaster Mitigation for a Sustainable Future (Comic)
This Child-Led Study on the Lived Experiences and Perspectives of Children in East Asia is the result of the dedication and hard work of children aged 12-18 years old who are currently engaged with World Vision East Asia through the Young Minds CAMP - a regional leadership development academy.
publication / November 14, 2024
Child-Led Study: Young Minds Shaping Climate Action & Disaster Mitigation for a Sustainable Future
This Child-Led Study on the Lived Experiences and Perspectives of Children in East Asia is the result of the dedication and hard work of children aged 12-18 years old who are currently engaged with World Vision East Asia through the Young Minds CAMP - a regional leadership development academy.
publication / March 3, 2025
Nota de orientación: garantizar que los niños no se queden atrás
Un grupo de organizaciones y plataformas de la sociedad civil de todo el mundo se han unido para encargar una revisión independiente del informe de Revisión Nacional Voluntaria (ENV) presentado por los países al Foro Político de Alto Nivel.