“Together, we build a bright future”

Monday, May 29, 2017
World Vision Myanmar gathered more than 400 children from seven townships across Thanintharyi region on 20 May 2017 at the 'Children Forum' held in the region's capital Dawei. The purpose of the Forum, which was organized in collaboration with the Future Light, Child Fund Myanmar, Yangon Kayin Baptist Women's Association (YKBWA), the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the Thanintharyi Social Welfare Department, was for children to express their demands to protect their rights and be assured that their needs are met. 
"Children and youth play a critical role in shaping the success of a nation," said Ms. Daw Lae Lae Maw, Chief Minister of Thanintharyi Region, in her opening speech. "We must recognize and leverage on the 'power' of our children and youths to contribute to the development of our country."
"I’m very glad that I’ve been given this chance to attend this forum. Please help us create a better future by working together to ensure that all of us will be healthy, educated and away from harm," said Htet, 14 years old from Dawei. 
At the Forum, the children asked that their rights and well-being should be top priority for governments, civil society organizations, local NGOs and international organizations.  The children's concrete plea to the community leaders and actors include:
• to address the lack of school facilities which leads to difficult learning process;
• to end discrimination on poor children, who have limited access to education; proper nutrition and health services; 
• to end child labor and domestic abuse; and
• to end the problem of drug addiction among youth that leads to juvenile crimes
The children also demanded child rights education training in the townships. 
In behalf of the cabinet members, Chief Attorney General, Chief Justice and representatives from other ministries who attended the Forum, the Chief Minister promised continuous support to the organizations that are working on child rights and well-being.  Ms. Maw also committed to shutting down all liquor shops that operate without licenses and to enforce Child Rights & Protection Law on the regional level. Ms. Maw apologized and cautioned that fulfillment of some demands such as ending child labor will not be as easy and as soon as wanted. However, she is optimistic about how collaborative efforts and high commitment of individuals and organizations will improve the well-being of the children.
"The children are going home with hope and joy that the authorities will help them create a better future," said U Aung Kyaw Soe, World Vision Myanmar (Costal Zone) Manager. World Vision is currently working in six townships across Thannintharyi Region.