Global mHealth Report 2018
World Vision has been a leader in the mHealth sphere for just over a decade, advancing tools to reduce preventable death and disease among women and children in the developing world.
Since its inception in 2008, World Vision's mHealth projects have expanded to 3 continents, with one or more projects existing in 11 African and Asian countries. The most widely-used approach is to leverage our organization's partnership with Dimagi and investment in creating CommCare global specifications as a starting point.
In 2017, World Vision’s global mHealth portfolio continued to consolidate as some projects concluded, some laid the necessary groundwork to bring solutions to scale, and others prepared to launch new projects. With 13 active deployments supporting CHWs and another 4 working to improve health at a community level, World Vision is leveraging the potential of information and communications technology (ICT) across 11 countries in Africa, South Asia and Southeast Asia.
Learn more about World Vision's Digital Health Portfolio and access related resources at Digital Health in Action.