World Vision Solomon Islands Annual Report 2021
2021 was a year of both challenges and opportunities for World Vision and its partners, with the impacts of COVID-19 continuing to be felt throughout the year. World Vision's Pacific Aftershocks Report gave us an insight into the struggle for many Solomon Islands and our nearest neighbours. The report found that as a result of COVID-19, 59% of people had either lost their job, lost income, or resorted to alternative sources of income. In rural communities in Solomon Islands, only 12% of respondents had enough clean water to fully meet their hand-washing needs - the first line of defense against the spread of COVID-19.Thankfully with the support of our partners, World Vision has been able to reach the most vulnerable to prepare and embolden their efforts to prevent COVID-19 outbreaks. Our projects reached 63,000 people across the country, providing 195 hand washing stations and sharing key health messages with thousands of people across hundreds of villages.