Jusline's Story
How malnutrition delayed Justine's dream of going to school

Just when six-year-old Jusline was supposed to put on her first uniform and start school... Her dream of becoming a schoolgirl was shattered.
Jusline was held back from class, because her body was so malnourished, she was struggling to keep up with her peers and six siblings.
Jusline lives in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Her home country is facing a complex humanitarian situation, marked by the presence of active armed groups, inter-community tensions, epidemics, natural disasters, and chronic poverty. These challenges severely limit many families, like Jusline’s, and leave them struggling to meet their basic needs. This is hurting an already vulnerable population, where more than 40% of children are affected by malnutrition.
In Jusline’s case, malnutrition impacted her both physically and mentally.
The lack of nutrient-dense foods caused her hair to become brittle and lose colour. Instead of chasing after her siblings, she had to sit out play times because of the swelling in her arms and legs.
When Jusline was held back from school, it meant her peers were advancing and beginning to work towards their future careers — all while she was left behind, alone. Many children with delayed or interrupted education struggle with their self worth and having a sense of belonging with peers.
In that moment, Jusline traded her joyful excitement and wonder for loneliness and an uncertain future.

It wasn’t until World Vision Nutritionist, Benedicte, spotted Jusline during a community health screening that Jusline’s urgent needs were met. Right after the screening, Benedicte referred Jusline to the nearest hospital where she was diagnosed with severe acute malnutrition.
Thanks to World Vision’s food assistance programmes, Jusline had access to therapeutic milk to cover her nutritional deficiencies and manage her symptoms.
A year later, Jusline’s smile has returned and her once swollen legs are now healed and ready to walk to school. She now has enough to make her dream of going to school come true.
88% of the severely malnourished children we treat make a full recovery.

We have enough. A life of plenty for every child is possible yet every day more children go hungry.
We believe that every child deserves the food they need to develop a healthy body and mind. Every family deserves to be able to put enough of the right food on the table.
Every hour, a child at risk of dying from malnutrition can start treatment to get healthy, thanks to child sponsors.
We’ve had enough of child hunger and malnutrition. Have you?
Over the last three years, child sponsors helped more than 30,000 severely malnourished children start treatment to get healthy again.