Uncounted and Unreached
“Some children live in remote areas so there are no health posts or hospitals nearby and road access is poor. There are more ill patients than there are doctors for treatment. Government and leaders should visit children to check up on the health of children and then send doctors to treat those who are ill.” Sujata, aged 15, Nepal.
We hear stories like this from children around the world every day at World Vision – children who cannot access the health care they need, children who suffer from the kinds of illnesses that have been all but eradicated in many other countries, children whose brothers and sisters didn’t live past the first day, or the first month, of their lives.
We know that many of these child deaths and illnesses go unreported. This is why investing in the reach of current information systems is critical. It’s why measuring, tracking and reaching the most vulnerable – often the invisible, unseen and uncounted – children needs to be a priority for international, national and local governments and leaders. It is not simple, but now is the right time. We have new technology to harness, years of learnings and successes to capitalise on; we just need the focus, the resources and the political champions to help finish the job and ensure all children survive to the age of five.