How LMMS works
The LMMS system can include:
- A roaming server (laptop)
- Cloud server (in country or remote)
- Mobile hand-held device (phone or tablet) with a dedicated, real-time connection and web-based protocols
- Server and device-specific applications
- A printer, LMMS cards, batteries, chargers and other accessories.
LMMS Modules for the Mobile Device
Modules running on the mobile device are dedicated to beneficiary information and commodity management, including food, cash, medicines, hygiene kits and other non-food items.
1. Beneficiary Registry to register households: collects household information and specific details on individual members within the household.
2. Proxy Registry to register proxies associated with a household: collects information on people who can act as a proxy for a targeted aid recipient household. They may or may not be aid recipients themselves.
3. Health Monitoring: to collect/record specific health related biometrics typically linked to food programming. Data collected is transferable to other systems for further analysis.
4. Distribution: to manage distribution of material items.
LMMS Applications for the Server (either roaming or cloud)
Applications that run on the roaming server include modules that facilitate system setup, ID card generation, project definition and report generation.
<photo or graphic showing the LMMS hardware>
A typical LMMS deployment includes the following:
1. Project setup. This step defines the type of project( e.g. General Distribution, Aid for Work), duration, ration size, donor etc.
2. Registration. Household members are digitally registered once. Individuals receive their own unique bar-coded identification card with a photo. LMMS creates a single beneficiary master list for all sectors and projects.
3. Enrolment. Households or individuals are enrolled into projects defined in the project setup. Households can be enrolled in multiple projects without repeat registration.
4. Work Tracking. LMMS captures number of days worked (for aid for work projects) in order to calculate wages due.
5. Generation of Payment Slips and Payment Instruction files for cash programs
6. Distribution and Inventory Management. Material entitlements are automatically calculated for distribution planning. During distribution, cards are scanned to determine eligibility and individuals are visually matched using photos stored in the database. Physical inventory is tracked in real-time as commodities are distributed, or if doing cash, payment agents can be instructed on who to disburse payments to.
Distribution reports are generated in near real-time including total households and individuals reached, disaggregated by age, gender and vulnerability as well as total commodities distributed and loss reports.
LMMS is a stand-alone system
LMMS is designed for field level deployments where the systems can run locally. This means that LMMS can function in locations with no internet or mobile telephone access, and no electricity.
With this stand-alone design, LMMS can model the typical business practices listed earlier as an all-inclusive system that does not require linkage to any other backend system.
LMMS is flexible and adaptable
Because LMMS is based on a modular platform, it can grow to encompass emerging needs, such as cash transfers, vouchers and mobile banking.
LMMS supports accountability
Each time the server and/or mobile device is accessed, the user logs in with their personal login and password. All transactions at any point in the process are linked to the LMMS user, supporting greater accountability.
Why use LMMS?
- LMMS delivers greater effectiveness, efficiency and accountability in beneficiary management and aid distribution programs at the ‘last mile’
- LMMS provides a business solution to some of the most basic challenges of food security programming by completely digitizing the process, reporting and tracking in real-time, and functioning in locations where there is no electricity or no internet, often in the middle of crisis situations
- LMMS eliminates the reliance on paper-based systems, automatically calculates accurate food rations and delivers immediate web-based reports to donors and stakeholders
LMMS enables efficiencies in time and cost, improves reporting and accountability, and enhances the experience for aid recipients.
- For those receiving aid, less time spent waiting has a positive impact on their physical security and frees up productive time available for critical household and income-generating tasks. Owning their ID cards and photos may also gives beneficiaries a sense of control, and empowerment within the distribution process.
- Aid agencies as well as donors are able to account, down to the household level, for where aid has been distributed, as well as immediately identify lost items, beneficiary receipt, shortages and areas with continuing needs
The more complex the distribution patterns, the greater the efficiencies
When aid recipients participate in multiple programs, projects and distributions, the benefits of LMMS are magnified. The same beneficiary registrations can be used, data are quickly and securely recalled using bar code scanning, and updates to household information are made with a few clicks.
Success so far
Users of LMMS have reported efficiency gains, cost benefits and improvements in accountability, including:
- At least a 50% time reduction for registration, distribution & reporting activities [1]
- 47% reduction in registration time [2]
- 30% reduction in project related budgetary costs for LMMS versus manual activities [3]
- 40% reduction in distribution staff and a corresponding reduction in related office and travel costs [4]
- Multiple agencies report a reduction in fraud and double dipping - zero losses in inventory post LMMS
- Improved beneficiary targeting and savings through reuse of data [5]
- Electronic audit trail of user activity and reports on which family member collected rations.
- Comprehensive reports by LMMS eliminate the need to capture thumbprints or signatures on paper - a development welcomed by both donors and beneficiaries alike