World Vision joins the World Bank and the faith community to end poverty by 2030.
Faith leaders have a responsibility to step up their efforts to end extreme poverty.
“As a Christian organisation, World Vision welcomes the opportunity to join the broader faith community in championing the cause of the world’s most vulnerable people, especially children, as we strive to eliminate extreme poverty in this generation,” says Kevin Jenkins, World Vision International president.
The pledge, Ending Extreme Poverty: A Moral and Spiritual Imperative, is the result of a process led by the World Bank and announced at its spring meetings in April 2015. It outlines a common understanding that all faith leaders can agree to, and specifically recognises the role and responsibility of faith communities in ending poverty.
- Press release about the moral imperative
- World Vision's Channels of Hope programme - transforming faith leaders into agents of change
- Pastor training in Mozambique benefits the whole community
- Faith leaders mobilize to care for people and communities affected by HIV
Evidence provided by the World Bank Group and others shows that ending extreme poverty within 15 years is possible.
“To do so will take two commitments,” the statement says. “A commitment to action guided by the best evidence of what works and what doesn’t; and a commitment to using our voices to inspire and challenge others to join us in this urgent cause based on our deepest spiritual values.”
“The world’s leading economic powerhouse is recognising the role that Christian, Muslim, Jewish and other faith leaders and communities around the world have in ending extreme poverty,” says Charles Badenoch, World Vision’s Partnership Leader for Advocacy and Justice for Children in Washington DC for the World Bank meetings.
“This is a momentous occasion. As we stand on the verge of this historic time for ending poverty, when the role of faith communities across the world is under great scrutiny, the Bank’s leadership on this is especially welcome.”
Here are some faith leaders and groups who have endorsed the Moral Imperative:
“Our paths are different but the goal is same; that is serving humanity through spirituality.” Dr Chintamani Yogi, founder and leader of Hindu VidyaPeeth movement. http://www.cmyogi.com, http://www.hvp-nepal.org
- Nepal Christian Society
- Sagarmatha Church
- Fellowship of Christian Churches in Nepal (FCCN)
- Vision Network Nepal
- United Vision Nepal
- Jyoti Church
- Balaytey- Achham Health Service
- Anandaban Leprosy Hospital & Rehabilitations Centre
- Shanti Nepal
- Compassionate Hand Nepal
- International Needs Nepal
- Micah Network Nepal
- Dr Tirtha Thapa, Nepal Christian Society
- Dr KB Rokaya, Sagarmatha Church
- Pastor DK Tamang, Fellowship of Christian Churches in Nepal (FCCN)
- Tek Rijal, Vision Network Nepal
- Bhab Ghaley, United Vision Nepal
- Reverend Pastor Simon Pandey, Jyoti Church
- SP Kalaune, Balaytey – Achham Health Service
- Shovakhar Kadel, Anandaban Leprosy Hospital & Rehabilitations Centre
- Krishna Man Shakya, Shanti Nepal
- Beni Karki, Compassionate Hand Nepal
- Esther Laxmi Thapa, International Needs Nepal
- Thir KC, Micah Network Nepal
- Sheikh Elmi Ismail, Somaliland Senior Sheikhs
- Sheikh Mohammed, Somaliland Senior Sheikhs
- Sheikh Haamud Nadiif Ahmed, Somaliland Senior Sheikhs
- Dr Anoja Bhikchuni, Sulakchana Kriti Bihar, Nepal
- Mr Allaudin Ansari Fallahi, Kuran Research Foundation , Nepal
- Mr Bhanu Prakash Dhakal, Sanatan Baidik Hindu (Thankot Unit), Nepal
- Sanjay Nidhi, Mother and Child Health Alliance, Nepal
- Dr Chintamani Gautam, Hindu VidyaPeeth, Nepal
- Dr Boubacar Seydou Toure, Secretaire General Association Islamique du Niger, Niger
- Pasteur Seydou Seyni Oumarou, Specialiste en Communication et membre de l’Alliance des Missions et Eglises Evangeliques du Niger (AMEEN), Niger
- Imam Mamadou Traore, High Islamic Counsel, Mali
- Reverend Pasteur Sir Mathieu Fane, President, Collectif Amen Reveil, Mali
- Maria de Fatima, Couples for Christ, Timor Leste
- Francisco da Costa, The Leprosy Mission, Timor Leste
- Joseph Ndungu, CITAM Timor Leste
- Nelson da Costa, Youth for Christ, Timor Leste
- Reverend Aiah Foday-Khabenje, Association of Evangelicals in Africa
- Dr Pastor Sileshi Kedebe, Evangelical Fellowship of Ethiopia
- Somaliland Senior Sheikhs
- Sheikh Elmi Ismail
- Sheikh Mohammed
- Sheikh Haamud Nadiif Ahmed
- Sulakchana Kriti Bihar – Buddhist
- Kuran Research Foundation – Muslim
- Sanatan Baidik Hindu (Thankot Unit) – Hindu
- Mother and Child Health Alliance – Hindu