World Vision Kenya Showcases its Best Practices at Inaugural Learning Event

By Susan Umazi Otieno, Communications Officer, World Vision Kenya
Bicycles are enhancing access to education and improving school enrolment of children in rural Kenya. Thanks to the bicycles, the children – especially girls – are able to reach far flung schools much faster without having to walk over long distances.
A Buffalo Bicycle on display at World Vision's Evidence and Learning Day. Such bicycles have enhanced access to education and improved school enrolment of children in rural Kenya. ©2018 World Vision/photo by Susan Otieno
“Over 1,000 bicycles have been distributed in the past three years. The partnership between World Vision and World Bicycle Relief has impacted greatly on the learning and education of kids, particularly in Taita Taveta County,” said Peter Ekisa, the Senior Sales Partnership Resource Officer at World Bicycle Relief in Kenya.
He noted that the bicycles are making schools accessible to these children hence motivating them to learn.
Peter’s remarks were made at the inaugural Evidence and Learning Day, held by World Vision Kenya on September 18th and 19th, at its Nairobi (Karen) office. The forum brought on board many partners drawn from government, academic, research and civil society organisations.
During the event, World Vision displayed and demonstrated best practices in its various strategic programmes namely: Education, Child Protection, Livelihoods and Resilience, Health and Nutrition, Sponsorship and Christian Commitments, and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH).
Delegates also got an opportunity to pledge support to World Vision Kenya's It Takes Us All to End Violence Against Children Campaign.
Chief Magistrate, Dr. Julie Oseko supports ending violence against children. © 2018 World Vision/photo by Susan Otieno
Some of the initiatives showcased during the event included an integrated aquaculture (fish farming) and horticultural project established at Lambwe in Homabay County which has improved nutrition and income levels of vulnerable households in the area.
A 35 kilogramme pumpkin from a farming project in the Ndabibi Area Programme (AP) was also a crowd puller. It led to interesting conversations on the immense potential of agricultural productivity to Kenya’s economy.
A 35 Kilogramme pumpkin displayed during the Evidence and Learning Day. The pumpkin was harvested by a Village Savings and Loan Group trained on income generation among other things, by World Vision Kenya.©2018World Vision/photo by Zipporah Karani
Youth and Community groups selling products during the two day event, were a testimony of World Vision’s financial and entrepreneurship training which has led to the establishment of numerous Village Savings and Loans Associations (VSLA).
The organisation also showcased its water purification technologies such as sachets made available through a partnership with Proctor and Gamble.
World Vision’s AQTaps solution, provided through a partnership with Grundfos, was also on display. The technology has automated the management of Water distribution kiosks hence enhancing their efficiency (minimising unaccounted for water) and improving revenue collection for water management committees.
Catherine Mburu, a Water, Hygiene and Sanitation (WASH) staff getting ready to demonstrate various water purification technologies that World Vision Kenya offers communities.© 2018 World Vision/Photo by Susan Otieno
Those in attendance also had the opportunity to learn about food preservation techniques that World Vision is implementing in the dry and arid County of Marsabit.
For instance, approximately 200 households under World Vision Area Development Program (ADP) of Laisamis are currently benefiting from a Milk Separator. The technology has enabled the community to process raw milk - from goats, cows and camel - into various products such as ghee which can be stored at room temperature for more than one year.
Stakeholders learning how a milk separator is used to process milk into various dairy products such as ghee which can safely be stored for over a year at room temperature. ©2018 World Vision/Photo by Susan Otieno
Also present during the Evidence and Learning Day, were government staff who usually partner with World Vision to train community members on fruit preservation technologies. These skills enable households to enjoy fruits– even during dry spells - hence keeping malnutrition at bay
Hawo Geldo, Government Agricultural Extension Officer holding a jar of pawpaw jam as she talks about fruit preservation techniques.©2018World Vision/photo by Susan Otieno
Delegates at the event got an opportunity to learn about World Vision’s Child Sponsorship model which has impacted the lives of many Kenyans, including several prominent members of the Kenyan public.
Mercy Mboje, Christian Commitments Programme Officer at World Vision Kenya speaking with Mercy Ikua, a Children’s Officer from the Kenya Government. © 2018 World Vision Kenya/photo by Susan Otieno
World Vision is a Christian organisation and is committed to serving the most vulnerable children and communities. To this effect, its Christian Commitments team was at hand to give in-depth information about the organisation’s spiritual nurture programs that are transforming the hearts and minds of communities.
Learn more about World Vision's work in Kenya here.