Syria Crisis: Education Interrupted

Friday, December 13, 2013

World Vision supports the UNICEF report “Education Interrupted” released Friday 13th December 2013 emphasising the plight of children affected by the Syria crisis.  The report highlights the very real concerns for a whole generation of children being affected by the ongoing Syrian crisis.    World Vision, along with other leading child-focused agencies such as UNICEF are calling for US$1 billion dedicated funding for education as part of the Regional Reponses Plan 6(RRP) and Syria Humanitarian Action Response Plan (SHARP) to be presented at the Kuwait donor conference mid-January.

“As a global community we have the opportunity to act now and stop the loss in education for a whole generation of children,” said Conny Lenneberg, World Vision’s head of programmes for the Middle East. “If we fail to take this opportunity, we fail millions of children. We cannot allow that to happen, not just for today’s children but for the whole future of Syria and the region.” 

World Vision is also calling for policy changes to allow for more education support for Syrian refugee children including expanding support to over-burdened school systems in communities hosting internally displaced and refugee children, while rapidly scaling up interventions in informal and non-formal education and livelihood opportunties for Syrian education professionals to help fill urgent staffing gaps in host communities.

World Vision is responding in the region to the growing education needs of Syrian refugee children:

- In Jordan World Vision is providing support for children in remedial education and will be rolling our child and adolescent friendly spaces.  World Vision is also planning to rehabilitate and improve the water and sanitation facilities of 100 schools

- In Lebanon is providing educational activities including remedial classes, accelerated learning programs, and basic numeracy and literacy support