Partnering with churches

Friday, September 9, 2016

In our continued work for holistic community development, World Visionis expanding its partnership with churches in the areas where the organization isalready implementing programming.

Churches are often seen as a separate entity from humanitarian organizations. Many churches also perceive themselves as a place just for spiritual nurturing. But in fact, the role of the church in supporting those in need is vital and effective. The role of the church endures in communities. They were there before World Vision arrived and will be there when World Vision leaves. 

World Vision strongly believes that the active involvement of the churchin reaching the poor is an effective approach. 

For smooth implementation, World Vision signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Myanmar Baptist Convention (MBC) on 19 August 2016 to effectively launch the mission to churches.

World Vision will also work to strengthen the capacities of the church leaders about understanding holistic development so that they could adapt themselves into development action in addition to the spiritual nurturing tasks. 

With this partnership, World Vision hopes that churches will be champions in comforting and supporting their communities.

World Vision has been working in Myanmar since 1991, partnering with many faith groups in the communities where we work.